Release Your Inner Artist

Monday inspiration from dear writer friend Tish Farrell; reminder to me on why I write…and why I dwell here on this corner of the Internet.

Tish Farrell


We are each of us born brimming with potential, creators in the making. But then something happens – at least for most of us it does. Somewhere between the childhood dreaming, and the adolescent wake-up call we make a decision. For each of us this will be the result of particular, often very painful circumstances, but the outcome will be the same. From that point on we will tell ourselves we are not goodenough, and what we do is not good enough and that even if we toil until the crack of doom, it never will be good enough. We give up. Surrender, often before we have given ourselves half a chance. Somehow – through repeated expressions of contempt, denigration, ridicule, bemusement from peers and elders – we learn that it is dangerous to be too extraordinary, and that if we persist in following our dream we will…

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Categories: Uncategorized

1 reply

  1. Thank you, Bill. It’s so good that we can keep cheering each other and fellow creators onwards and upwards. Because it isn’t easy – any of it 🙂


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