Rainy day, dream away

In that dream they came down and the kids ran for them, a spinning set of swings in the air with hats falling from the sky and a big field with the sound of children running to catch them, one of them Charlotte, hats maybe crows, some of them with wings. A feeling of wonder when I awoke, a picture of Charlotte at the park with her purple umbrella, a feeling of love and loss.

We warmed the last of the gumbo and the dog chewed her bone down to the nub. It rained and I put on Hendrix, then turned the heat back on. We had so much still, hats falling from the sky. Cottonwood blooms and children. Love and loss. Jimi Hendrix. Charlotte fed the orchids with ice in increments of twos and threes. We counted the days down and gave thanks. I ran a bath and soaked in salt.

Categories: microblogging, parenting, prose, writing

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6 replies

  1. I couldn’t comment a couple of posts back but wanted to say how I’ve been “noticing” a lot more lately during my walks. After being cooped up so much, getting out to an expand my visual horizon seems to reveal the shape of the land: tree falls, an old foundation, an old railway spur that shoots off from the trail we walk, grown over, that I’ve never noticed before. And then I think, “What would Bill see here and how would he describe it and how does he do that?”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes to “noticing,” that’s good. I wonder if it’s also from being penned up so much inside, right? I felt that way yesterday on a long walk like, wow: look at all this! That’s a nice thought you had, nicer for you to share it. We’re lucky for how we see the world, us both, and I’m glad it’s unusual. Yours is quite the odd slant, in a good way. As I’ve often said to you, we need more clowns (and not the spooky kind). Thanks for this Ross!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Just wanted to give you a heads up, I posted your blog on “promote a writer Thursday” over at godoggocafe.com and got some appreciative responses 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s totally rad my friend! Wow thanks, I will check that out…appreciate that and your long-standing readership, as it were! That started back talking about music a few years ago, as I recall. Maybe Jesus Lizard? Hard to say, but a good connection no less. Thank you…


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