The skin beneath my chin has the feel of waterfowl

Mom woke to hardened blood in her bedding about the size of a tea cup saucer and couldn’t find the source, asked if the cat menstruates but she can’t, we had those organs taken out, and it wasn’t the dog or our daughters or Dawn, no entry wound on my mom — so we’ve deduced the cat brought something into bed and bloodlet it, removed the solids and just left stains.

Drove by myself for the first time today to the Häckselplätze to dump some yard waste clippings. Eberhard said ‘if you feel like doing something this week,’ and gestured to the shrubs outside the window which arguably could be trimmed — but then did it himself for some reason in the morning, mentioned I could remove the trimmings, which I put off all week, but now that it’s Freitag and he’s coming, I thought I should do it to minimise any weird energy in the house tonight.

Circled the nearby town of Bietigheim a few times looking for the pet store, managed to not get in an accident or arrested, but pissed off many German drivers for going too slow, caught one doing a hand-sawing motion in the air as he whizzed by me — found myself on a very small road probably intended just for tractors out in the middle of some farmlands with a large blue heron off to the side, joggers looking confused why I was there in my car, but found the windmill which I knew was near the Häckselplätze, and thought if I could get to the windmill my sense memory would lead me the rest of the way, and I was right.

Worked out our budget and it appears we can probably live here for half the expense of living in the States, outside of Seattle.

Started the girls on cooking with each of them taking a night, paired Charlotte’s ‘quick tomato sauce’ from The Best Recipe with a Côtes du Rhône and a Barbera, both coming in about 10 euros (5 € each), easily $20 bottles in USD.

Got the girls enrolled in some 9-5 camp, M-F next week at the local gym, which will give Dawn and me time to work out their lesson plans for the first week of school.

Received an email from an IT recruiter in London asking if I was interested in a new contract but there were so many typos in her email, I wonder if she was a robot — and still having subtle work-dreams from watching a USA Today story about my former employer earlier this week, plus a blog from my friend Rick that asks how people feel about working from home, and what that means nowadays.

And now that it’s been about seven months since I started applying for jobs back in Seattle I’m just starting to get rejection emails that explain why it was a hard decision based on all the skilled applicants and so forth. And neither Dawn nor I have a cell phone plan now. We don’t use our watches really. I suggested we get an alarm clock and set it by the sunrise, so we can get up later each day as the year wears on, roughly 7:45 AM, come December.

The WordPress engine — whatever Oz it is behind the curtains — thinks based on my European settings now that I need to spell minimize with an ‘s,’ and I’m honoured.


Categories: humor

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15 replies

  1. I actually did notice the “minimise” and thought you jumped into this Europe thing with both feet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Stay colour-full and keep on driving like an American. We love it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nice to talk to you again Valarie, this time from the other side of the globe! Glad you liked my post, thank you. – Bill

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am sure that your girls and your whole family will benefit from this year’s cultural experiences, and I hope your soul will be restored to enjoy work again someday; there has to be something better for you, after all you have been through. Keep on breathing fresh air now and keep looking for windmills.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for those wishes Valarie, I’m hoping for the same. And I’m glad you got the windmill irony. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction, innit? – Bill

        Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re a braver man than I, driving in Europe. Once we found ourselves hemmed in a dead-end in a little Italian hill town, and I had to do a 150-point turn to get out of it. Blood pressure’s never been the same since!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know the feeling, and especially with a bad GPS personality and those damned, interminably long Italian street names they hide on signs on the buildings you can’t see. We drove from Germany to Tuscany when our kids were like 4 and 2, and I can’t believe we did it, and I’m so glad we did — and across all of Ireland, which was even harder with the — well, won’t go on about it. Just made me shake for a drink at the end of it.


      • I tried driving in Ireland. Tried to do the manly thing, even though I can’t even drive in my own country. Couldn’t do it. Had to let my wife take over. Good thing too. Those mountain passes are like threading a needle. I don’t know how she did it. Oddly enough though she always has to park on the left side of the garage or else rip of a side mirror or some such.

        I have to drive back to FW tonight from Big D. Woot.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It might be one of those things (driving in Ireland) I was able to do when younger and now, we’ll see. I had an epiphany like that mountain climbing with some friends, the last time we got up for an alpine start, some time in the middle of the night, raining like hell, cold, couldn’t see, really thought I might die — you can’t think like that or you will.
        Hope you had a good journey to FW and some good music for the ride.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I like to confuse the computer by having work stuff set to American and personal set to UK.


  5. Ha!
    It’s all working out, and it will. Even without a plan, things tend to work out for the best, except when they don’t.


    • Good attitude — today we start our homeschooling lesson planning in earnest, and map out our UK itinerary, which should be fun and not a burden, not work, we keep reminding ourselves. God, what kind of lives do we live we have to talk like this?

      Liked by 1 person

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