Rain prose: going to work, to live

Rock Meadow farm, Sammamish WA (5-16)

We were between fronts again. In the morning the sound of the birds seesawing the air in their rocking chair, rhythmic arcs: those sing-song loops like fireworks for wartime, warning cries, maybe just bliss. The air was damp from last night’s rain and the sidewalk dappled, it smelled like the bottom of a boat with that forever wetness, a mixture of unseen life, and dirt. And rounding the corner, a guy going off to work with his badge so early: he was unseen life too, he reminded me of myself after 20 years at the factory that last week I left, looking up at a tapestry in the corporate commons and wondering if I’d really been a part of it all, if I’d ever be known again, and wanting to believe it didn’t matter, but pretty sure it did.

Categories: identity, prose

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8 replies

  1. I have no idea whether this is fiction or a personal essay on observed and experienced life. It doesn’t matter. Either way, it’s just great writing: engaging.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sweet! Happy to hear Carolin and thanks for stopping by. Call it personal essay prose and peek into my memoir life, a little tease. Thanks for the read and glad it engaged you. Bill

      Liked by 1 person

      • A tease? Are you working on a memoir?


      • Hi Carolin, thanks for asking. Yes, in fits and starts for the past couple years. Most of it is right here, the parts I’m most pleased with, kind of ‘work in progress.’ Ironically, I get in my own way with it, probably a common problem with writers. I realized driving in to work today I’m at about 943 posts now (most of which memoir) and maybe I’ll set a goal to announce I’ve actually got something ready for publication by #1000. Like, this summer. So we’ll see. Thanks for inquiring! Ha! Read my post from yesterday for more of that ‘memoir ilk’ if you’re inclined. Cheers, Bill

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Love this line: “…those sing-song loops like fireworks for wartime, warning cries, maybe just bliss.” I like this little piece of fictional step-back.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. nice imagery, bill. and the longer it takes to complete, the more material you are creating for your memoir, by continuing to live life.


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